Contact us Category listing - R
((V)irtual = Package is only listed here)
R-abind (V) Combine multi-dimensional arrays
R-acepack (V) ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations
R-akima (V) Interpolation of irregularly and regularly spaced data
R-aplpack (V) Functions for drawing special plots
R-assertthat (V) Easy pre and post assertions
R-backports (V) Reimplementations of functions introduced since R-3.0.0
R-base64enc (V) Tools for base64 encoding
R-bbmle (V) Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
R-BH (V) Boost C++ header files
R-bindr (V) Parametrized active bindings
R-bit (V) Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
R-bit64 (V) S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers
R-bitops (V) Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors
R-blob (V) Simple S3 class for representing vectors of binary data ('BLOBS')
R-Cairo (V) R graphics device using cairo graphics library
R-car (V) Companion to 'Applied Regression'
R-carData (V) Companion to 'Applied Regression' data sets
R-cellranger (V) Translate spreadsheet cell ranges to rows and columns
R-checkmate (V) Fast and versatile argument checks
R-chron (V) Chronological objects which can handle dates and times
R-circular (V) Circular statistics
R-classInt (V) Choose univariate class intervals
R-cli (V) Helpers for developing command line interfaces
R-clipr (V) Read and write from the system clipboard
R-coda (V) Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
R-colorspace (V) Toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes
R-combinat (V) Combinatorics utilities
R-countrycode (V) Convert country names and country codes
R-crayon (V) Colored terminal output
R-curl (V) Modern and flexible web client for R
R-DAAG (V) Data analysis and graphics data and functions
R-data.table (V) Extension of 'data.frame'
R-date (V) Functions for handling dates
R-DBI (V) R database interface
R-dichromat (V) Color schemes for dichromats
R-digest (V) Create compact hash digests of R objects
R-e1071 (V) Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
R-effects (V) Effect displays for linear, generalized linear, and other models
R-elevatr (V) Access elevation data from various APIs
R-ellipsis (V) Collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user
R-emdbook (V) Support functions and data for Ecological Models and Data
R-estimability (V) Tools for assessing estimability of linear predictions
R-evaluate (V) Parsing and evaluation tools
R-fansi (V) ANSI control sequence aware string functions
R-fAsianOptions (V) Functions for pricing and valuating Asian options
R-fBasics (V) Markets and basic statistics
R-FNN (V) Fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
R-fOptions (V) Markets and basic statistics
R-forcats (V) Tools for working with categorical variables (factors)
R-forecast (V) Forecasting functions for time series and linear models
R-formatR (V) Format R code automatically
R-Formula (V) Extended model formulas
R-fracdiff (V) Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
R-gdata (V) Various R programming tools for data manipulation
R-genetics (V) Classes and methods for handling genetic data
R-geoR (V) Analysis of geostatistical data
R-ggplot2 (V) Create elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics
R-glue (V) Interpreted string literals
R-GRASS (V) Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
R-gridExtra (V) Miscellaneous functions for grid graphics
R-gss (V) General smoothing splines
R-gstat (V) Spatial & spatio-temporal modelling, prediction and simulation
R-gsubfn (V) Utilities for strings and function arguments
R-gtable (V) Arrange 'Grobs' in tables
R-gtools (V) Various R programming tools
R-haven (V) Import and export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' files
R-highr (V) Syntax highlighting for R source code
R-Hmisc (V) Harrell miscellaneous
R-hms (V) Pretty time of day
R-htmlTable (V) Advanced tables for Markdown/HTML
R-htmltools (V) Tools for HTML
R-htmlwidgets (V) HTML widgets for R
R-httpRequest (V) Basic HTTP request
R-hwde (V) Models and tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
R-igraph (V) Network analysis and visualization
R-inline (V) Functions to inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
R-intervals (V) Tools for working with points and intervals
R-IRdisplay (V) Jupyter display machinery
R-IRkernel (V) Native R kernel for the Jupyter notebook
R-ISLR (V) Data for the ISLR book
R-ISwR (V) Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
R-iterators (V) Provides iterator construct
R-jsonlite (V) Robust, high performance JSON parser and generator for R
R-knitr (V) General-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R
R-labeling (V) Axis labeling
R-latticeExtra (V) Extra graphical utilities based on lattice
R-lazyeval (V) Lazy (non-standard) evaluation
R-lme4 (V) Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
R-lmm (V) Linear mixed models
R-lmtest (V) Testing linear regression models
R-magrittr (V) Forward-pipe operator for R
R-mapproj (V) Map projections
R-maptools (V) Tools for handling spatial objects
R-markdown (V) Render Markdown with the C Library 'Sundown'
R-MatrixModels (V) Modelling with sparse and dense matrices
R-memoise (V) Memoisation of functions
R-mime (V) Map filenames to MIME types
R-minqa (V) Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation
R-mitools (V) Tools for multiple imputation of missing data
R-mnormt (V) Multivariate normal and t distributions
R-munsell (V) Utilities for using Munsell colours
R-mvtnorm (V) Multivariate normal and t distributions
R-nloptr (V) R interface to NLopt
R-nortest (V) Tests for normality
R-numDeriv (V) Accurate numerical derivatives
R-openxlsx (V) Read, write and edit XLSX files
R-pbdZMQ (V) Interface to ZeroMQ
R-pbkrtest (V) Parametric bootstrap & Kenward Roger based methods for mixed model comparison
R-PHYLOGR (V) Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses
R-pillar (V) Coloured formatting for columns
R-pixmap (V) Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R
R-pkgconfig (V) Private configuration for R packages
R-plogr (V) The 'plog' C++ logging library
R-plyr (V) Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
R-poweRlaw (V) Analysis of heavy tailed distributions
R-prettyunits (V) Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
R-prob (V) Elementary probability on finite sample spaces
R-progress (V) Terminal progress bars
R-proto (V) Prototype object-based programming
R-quadprog (V) Functions to solve quadratic programming problems
R-quantmod (V) Quantitative financial modelling framework
R-quantreg (V) Quantile regression
R-R2HTML (V) HTML exportation for R objects
R-R6 (V) Encapsulated classes with reference semantics
R-RandomFields (V) Simulation and analysis of random fields
R-RandomFieldsUtils (V) Utilities for the simulation and analysis of random fields
R-randomForest (V) Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
R-RArcInfo (V) Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages
R-Rcmdr (V) Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R
R-RcmdrMisc (V) R Commander miscellaneous functions
R-RColorBrewer (V) ColorBrewer palettes
R-Rcpp (V) Seamless R and C++ integration
R-RcppArmadillo (V) Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library
R-RcppEigen (V) Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
R-readr (V) Read rectangular text data
R-readstata13 (V) Import 'Stata' data files
R-readxl (V) Read Excel files
R-relimp (V) Relative contribution of effects in a regression model
R-rematch (V) Match regular expressions with a nicer API
R-repr (V) Serializable representations
R-reshape2 (V) Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
R-rio (V) Swiss-army knife for data I/O
R-rlang (V) Functions for base types and core R and 'Tidyverse' features
R-RNetCDF (V) Interface to NetCDF datasets
R-RPostgreSQL (V) R interface to the PostgreSQL database system
R-RSQLite (V) 'SQLite' interface for R
R-rstudioapi (V) Safely access the RStudio API
R-sandwich (V) Robust covariance matrix estimators
R-scales (V) Scale functions for visualization
R-sgeostat (V) Object-oriented framework for geostatistical modeling in S+
R-shapefiles (V) Read and write ESRI shapefiles
R-sourcetools (V) Tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
R-sp (V) Classes and methods for spatial data
R-spacetime (V) Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
R-SparseM (V) Sparse linear algebra
R-splancs (V) Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis
R-sqldf (V) Manipulate R data frames using SQL
R-stabledist (V) Stable distribution functions
R-statmod (V) Statistical modeling
R-stringi (V) Character string processing facilities
R-stringr (V) Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations
R-survey (V) Analysis of complex survey samples
R-tcltk2 (V) Tcl/Tk additions
R-tibble (V) Simple data frames
R-timeDate (V) Chronological and calendar objects
R-timeSeries (V) Financial time series objects
R-tseries (V) Time series analysis and computational finance
R-TTR (V) Technical trading rules
R-urca (V) Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data
R-utf8 (V) Unicode text processing
R-uuid (V) Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs
R-vctrs (V) Vector helpers
R-VGAM (V) Vector generalized linear and additive models
R-viridis (V) Default color maps from 'matplotlib'
R-viridisLite (V) Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version)
R-withr (V) Run code 'with' temporarily modified global state
R-xfun (V) Miscellaneous functions by 'Yihui Xie'
R-XML (V) Tools for parsing and generating XML within R
R-xtable (V) Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
R-xts (V) eXtensible Time Series
R-yaml (V) Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
R-zeallot (V) Multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
R-zip (V) Cross-platform 'zip' compression
R-zoo (V) S3 infrastructure for regular and irregular time series